(Korean family and Gender: A Historical and Cultural Perspective)
主讲人: Okpyo Moon (文玉杓)教授
主讲人介绍:Okpyo Moon (文玉杓),韩国学中央研究院(Academy of Korean Studies)韩国学大学院人类学教授(曾于2010-12年间担任韩国学大学院院长)、韩国文化人类学会会长。2000-01年和2006-07年,Moon教授分别在美国哈佛大学人类学系和日本大阪国立民族学博物馆任客座教授。Moon教授多年来为许多重要学会的成员,这包括英国皇家人类学会、日本文化人类学会、韩国文化人类学会。她还是International Journal of Intangible Heritage、European Journal of East Asian Studies和Pacific Journal of Asian Studies的编委。
Moon教授在韩国首尔国立大学获人类学学士和硕士学位后,赴英国牛津大学继续攻读人类学并于1984年获社会人类学博士学位。她的博士论文1989年由英国曼彻斯特大学出版社出版,书名为From Paddy Field to Ski Slope: Revitalisation of Tradition in Japanese Village Life。迄今为止,Moon教授独自或与其他学者合作在日本和韩国进行了长期的田野调查和跨文化比较研究,其关注的主题包括家庭和性别、都市和农村的社区建设、少数族群、旅游、民间文化和文化遗产政策等。
Moon教授最近主编或独自完成的代表性著作有:New Women: Images of Modern Women in Japan and Korea (2003), Foreign Cultures in Us (2006), Ethnic Relations of Overseas Koreans (2006), Japanese Tourism and Travel Culture (2009), Consuming Korean Tradition in Early and Late Modernity (2010)。
Current issues of Korean family and gender reflect many similarities both with other developed industrial societies in the OECD group and more closely with newly developed East Asian countries and areas such as Japan, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong. The common issues include low fertility rate, low marriage rate, conflicts between family and work, etc. Yet, they also reflect some historical and cultural features that may be considered unique to Korea. In this presentation, I will review some of these historical and cultural features of Korean family and gender, and attempt a tentative interpretation of the current situation.