“Naturalization and Experimental Philosophy of Mind and Action”
Daniel Lim
In recent years analytic philosophy of mind has been deeply concerned with two problems: mental causation and consciousness. Jaegwon Kim (2005) has called them intertwined 'world-knots' that resist incorporation into a unified metaphysics. After reviewing some of the literature I argue that the emerging non-reductive physicalist picture is incomplete insofar as it fails to take the phenomenology of action seriously. Perhaps experimental philosophy can help bring some order to these debates by tying the various loose ends together.
Daniel Lim is now the Co-Director for the Center for Analytic Philosophy in Renmin University, Specializing in philosophy of mind and philosophy of religion. He got a M.S. degree in computer of science in University of California, Davis in 2001. Latter on, his interest turned to philosophy, finishing his M.A. in philosophy in Biola University (2006) and his Ph.D. in philosophy of science in Cambridge University (2011). His recent publications include:
1. forthcoming. “Doing, Allowing, and the Problem of Evil”, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion.
2. forthcoming. “Cognitive Science of Religion and Folk Theistic Belief”, Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science.
3. 2015. God and Mental Causation, Heidelberg: Springer.
4. 2014. “Can a Dualist Adopt Bennett’s Strategy?”, Philosophical Forum 45 (3): 251-271.
5. 2014. “Can Mary’s Qualia be Epiphenomenal?”, with Wang Hao, Res Philosophica 91 (3): 503-512.
6. 2014. “Religious Skepticism: A Reservation Concerning the American Academy of Religion’s Guidelines”, Journal of Religion and Education 41 (2): 220-229.
7. 2014. “Brain Simulation and Personhood: A Concern with the Human Brain Project”, Ethics and Information Technology 16 (2): 77-89.
8. 2014. “Occasionalism and Non-Reductive Physicalism: Another Look at the Continuous Creation Argument”, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 75 (1): 39-57.
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